Jon Errazu



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About Jon Errazu

“My work is characterized by forms and lines. The relationship between background and figure is repeated persistently in each of my works. The figure, simple and almost always quadrilateral, changes and is combined in multiple ways on a monochromatic background, which leads to a blend of minimalism and abstract expressionism.

I am interested in investigating aspects of my identity and individuality that appeal to me. I use art as an instrument to analyze my own reality. The truth is that I do not start from a clear and concise concept. The plastic activity itself leads me to reflect on certain aspects, such as the human race, life and the passage of time.

Prioritizing the plastic arts over the theorization of this activity seeks to simplify the question about the meaning and feeling of things. This is because I think that access to these subjects necessarily involves broaching them from already reduced and simplified spaces.

From a contemporary practice and in a context of mutual exchange between artist and spectator, the paintings establish an exclusive nexus between them. In this way, access to the pieces, enabled through silent contemplation, introspection and the pleasure of observing, opens a dialogue between individuals.”

Artworks by Jon Errazu

Education and exhibitions


  • 2018 ‘Dialogue betweenartists’ (Jon Errazu & Ricard Aymar) Galeria La Plataforma, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2016 Noak Room, Barcelona, Spain
    • Kultur Etxea, Elgoibar, Spain
    • Lobiano Kultur Gunea, Ermua, Spain
    • Erakusketa Aretoa, Soraluze, Spain
  • 2015 Topaleku Aretoa, Eibar, Spain
  • 2019 Villa del Arte Galleries, Barcelona, Spain
    • Villa del Arte Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2018 Villa del Arte Galleries, Barcelona, Spain
    • Villa del Arte Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • AFF New York Spring, Villa del Arte Galleries
    • AFF Battersea London Spring, Villa del Arte Galleries
  • 2017 “Arte & Venta”, Galeria La Plataforma, Barcelona, Spain
    • Fundación Privada Mutua Catalana, Tarragona, Spain
    • Urban District Art Festival - UDAF ‹17, Barcelona, Spain
    • Galerie La Place se Déplace, Lille, France
  • 2016 Galeria La Place, Barcelona, Spain
    • “Arte & Venta”, Galeria La Plataforma, Barcelona, Spain
    • “Arttower”, Torre de les Aigües del Besòs, Barcelona, Spain
    • “Stripart. XXI muestra de arte joven”, Centre Cívic Guinardò, Barcelona, Spain
    • “Cromátiva. IV bienal de arte joven”, Ourense, Spain
  • 2015 “Futur Excel·lent”, 7th edition, Centre Cultural el Born, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2017 Preselection, XV Premi BBVA de Pintura Ricard Camí 2017, Terrassa, Spain
    • Finalist, XXV PremiTelax, Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
    • Finalist, XII Premi de Pintura Torres-García, Ateneu Fundació Iluro, Mataró, Spain
  • 2016 Finalist, XXIV PremiTelax, Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
  • 2015 Secondprize, X Premi de Pintura Paco Merino, Granollers, Spain
  • 2017 Vogue Spain, Vogue Casa for Zara Home, April
    • Elle Russia, Elle Decoration, March
  • 2016 “Flamantes”, artists’ book (winter)
  • 2015 “Proyecto Pinturas”, artists’ book